'That Halloween Podcast' Features Interviews With Renowned Halloween Filmmakers
Arielle Nissenblatt Arielle Nissenblatt

'That Halloween Podcast' Features Interviews With Renowned Halloween Filmmakers

Halloween is my favorite day of the year. It has been since I was a little kid. Halloween is what I like to call the “no obligations holiday.” With most holidays there are “requirements,” that if you don’t do them, you often end up in an argument with loved ones. But with Halloween, there are no rules. It’s when kids are allowed to stay up late and eat candy while adults lose their inhibitions and allow the stress of the world to be ignored for one special day. Whether you’re into the autumnal aspects of the season, like going to a pumpkin farm, the horror angle, or perhaps you just really like candy and dressing up. There’s something for everyone with this holiday.

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