EarBuds Curator Spotlight: Julia Yael Stern

EarBuds Podcast Collective operates on a community model. We ask everyone to share their favorite podcasts or topics so that we can learn more about the world through audio content. We've had all sorts of themes since we started sending our weekly emails in February of 2017; from sports and game theory to funny female-hosted podcasts and historical breakdowns. 

This week's theme is called *Passion Pirates,* and it was curated by Julia Yael Stern, host of the On the Side podcast. Stern's podcast is an interview-style show, in which she interviews people who have interesting side projects -- things they do outside of their primary paid gigs. She ends up with a really diverse assortment of chats and gathers some funky stories. 

Julia Yael Stern 

Julia Yael Stern 

Since EarBuds started out as a side project, we take a special interest in this podcast and wanted to learn a bit more about Stern's background. Read our interview here:

EarBuds Podcast Collective: How long have you been hosting your podcast?

Julia Yael Stern: For about 10 months. I think that makes me a "newbie."


EBPC: What was the inspiration for starting your podcast?

JYS: A handful of other awesome podcasts I listen to. A lot of my go-to shows featured interviews with successful people, and I found that I was much less interested in hearing about their accomplishments, and more drawn to stories of their hustle to get to where they are, working other jobs to fuel their dream. From there I realized that many people I know go through that hustle every day - working hard to advance their careers or pay the bills while pursuing interesting passion projects in their spare time. I wanted to be the one to share their stories and hopefully inspire others. 


EBPC: Do you have any projects on the side, in addition to this podcast?

JYS: The podcast is the most defined project, but I'm always working to be better at the things I care about: a better friend, a better artist, a better cook, a better runner.


EBPC: Do you have a full-time job/career?

JYS: I do! I work in advertising as a brand strategist. My cocktail party explanation: I come up with the thesis behind a brand, campaign, or piece of creative for the art directors and copywriters to bring it to life.


EBPC: Tell us about one of your proudest moments related to this podcast.

JYS: Getting the nerve to launch was a proud moment in of itself. I had the idea for the podcast almost a year prior but kept talking myself out of it. 


EBPC: Tell us about a time that an interview shocked you.

JYS: The whole process of reaching out to new guests has been pleasantly surprising, but I was really shocked when Jay Buim agreed to be on. I had reached out to him on a whim, mostly to thank him for inspiring me with his podcast Oh Boy. It was pretty surreal to sit down and chat with someone I had listened to for so long, but in the end, he was incredibly down to earth and easy to talk to.   


EBPC: Have you been inspired to take on new side projects as a result of the interviews and chats you've had?

JYS: I get a little inspiration from every conversation. Sarah Varnell's episode made me want to travel. My chat with Olivia Domba made me think critically about where my food comes from. After I interviewed Ronn Blitzer we started talking about trying my hand at standup. But being funny is hard work. 


BIG thank you to Julia for chatting with us about her podcast. And another thank you to Julia for her hard work -- hosting and producing a podcast is not easy, especially without a network supporting you. 


EarBuds Curator Spotlight: Scott Gurian


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