[Werking Title] with Eliza Lambert: Kia Miakka Natisse On Audio Art
Devon DiComo Devon DiComo

[Werking Title] with Eliza Lambert: Kia Miakka Natisse On Audio Art

Kia had just returned from a creative retreat when we sat down to chat, and she was brimming with inspiration. This former Invisibilia host did not grow up as a backseat NPR baby. She found her love of audio through her education, approaching it as an artistic practice. She’s medium-agnostic — a storyteller-first who uses her winning authenticity to build community.

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Best Podcasts to Listen to While You Celebrate Pride Month This Year
Arielle Nissenblatt Arielle Nissenblatt

Best Podcasts to Listen to While You Celebrate Pride Month This Year

For members of the LGBTQ+ community, June is typically celebrated as Pride month. It’s a time to celebrate what we’ve done as a community, to highlight the work that’s left to be done, and to be visibly out. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, many Pride celebrations have been canceled or moved later in the year. Since many folks won’t be able to celebrate and engage with community, I thought it would be fun to bring the community to folks’ ears through podcasts.

It is also important for me to pause here, and say that this article was written in mid-May, prior to much of what has transpired over the last couple of weeks.

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The 5 Best Career and Advice Podcasts to Improve Your Job Prospects
Arielle Nissenblatt Arielle Nissenblatt

The 5 Best Career and Advice Podcasts to Improve Your Job Prospects

We know you’re always looking for something to listen to in those podcast earbuds of yours, EarBuddies! We’re on a mission to bring you endless lists upon lists of the best podcast recommendations out there because we believe that podcasts are the best form of entertainment. It seems like everyone is discovering podcasts lately, and we’re here for you!

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Best Satire Podcast Episodes to Keep you Entertained During Quarantine
podcast Arielle Nissenblatt podcast Arielle Nissenblatt

Best Satire Podcast Episodes to Keep you Entertained During Quarantine

Well, here we are. It’s week xxxx (who even knows?) of this great pandemic situation and we’re starting to feel a little foggy. The zoom fatigue is kicking in full force, the calls with family and friends have gotten stale since we’ve got nothing to update one another on, and we’re sick of our own cooking. One thing that never gets old, podcasts. Another thing that really never gets old… laughing while listening to podcasts. Get those podcasts in those ears, EarBuds! We’re counting off the top 5 best satire podcasts to listen to while quarantining.

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