Best Satire Podcast Episodes to Keep you Entertained During Quarantine
Curated for EarBuds by Becca James (AKA Wrecka Flames)
Well, here we are. It’s week xxxx (who even knows?) of this great pandemic situation and we’re starting to feel a little foggy. The zoom fatigue is kicking in full force, the calls with family and friends have gotten stale since we’ve got nothing to update one another on, and we’re sick of our own cooking. One thing that never gets old, podcasts. Another thing that really never gets old… laughing while listening to podcasts. Get those podcasts in those ears, EarBuds! We’re counting off the top 5 best satire podcasts to listen to while quarantining.
If you’re new to the EarBuds scene, here’s how it works. Each Sunday night, we send out an email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week’s theme and episodes are put together by a different person. The best part is that this community is made up of people all over the world; podcasters, podcast listeners, professors, comedians, students, really, anyone. And anyone can curate a list. If you’d like to learn more about that, email us.
P.s. listen to these podcasts with your podcast earbuds!
Look at our cutie-pie logo! It was designed in 2017 by Deonica Davis of Lady GraphX Designs.
Back to the laughter (which we all need a bit of right now), brought to us by our podcast curator of the week, Becca James.
Becca’s chosen theme was Satire In Strange Times. Here’s why she chose this theme:
“We're living in an exceptionally strange time, and satire has the power to help us process what's happening and to improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. It'll also allow us a hearty and necessary laugh.”
Before we get to our list of satire podcasts, another note. Each week, the newsletter curator gets to promote something — it can be a podcast, a website they love, a non-profit they support…anything, really. Here’s Becca’s self promotion:
If you're looking for more podcast recommendations, check out Vulture's coverage, where I write weekly comedy recs and long-form reviews and features. Also, Constant Listener, created by podcast obsessive and writer for The A.V. Club's Podmass, Ben Cannon, is a great place to go for even more suggestions.
Now, for the podcast recommendations:
A very Fatal Murder
"A Perfect Murder"
13 minutes
A Very Fatal Murder is a satire podcast that sees Onion Public Radio (OPR) correspondent David Pascall go from New York City to the sleepy town of Bluff Springs, Nebraska. His mission is to investigate the mysterious death of a 17-year-old girl, Hayley Price. She was well-known throughout the town, and now, everyone could be the murderer. Hayley was bright, was an animal lover, and was definitely going places. Join David as he tries to learn why the first investigation into Hayley’s death was unsuccessful, and how a very dogged and Pulitzer-hungry true (fake) crime podcast host might be able to bring some light to this case.
A Woman's Smile
"A Woman's Smile is Stylish"
30 minutes
A Woman’s Smile, created by Patti Harrison and Lorelei Ramirez is a podcast where the who hosts talk about…everything. They especially make sure to talk about the gentle and kind nature of a woman’s smile.
"One Goddam Name"
17 minutes
It is the year of our old 1997. Marzipan is the newly-hired security guard on the set of a movie starring twin tweens, Lindsay and Sydney Lohan. Weird things start happening on set and Marzipan decides to investigate the situation. It seems that the more Marzipan gets involved, the more trouble there is. Lindsay is a 6-part audio noir. It’s the never-before-heard story behind the making of The Parent Trap. You know her as one Lindsay, but this is the story of how two Lindsays… became one.
This is Branchburg with Brendan & Cory
"Everybody Wants to See My Teeth"
15 minutes
Welcome to the small town of Branchburg, New Jersey. There are many stories to tell in this place, whether you’d like to hear them or not. This podcast is written and performed by Brendan O’Hare and Cory Snearowski. Sound design is by Alex Gilson. This podcast is produced by Tim Heidecker and Dave Kneebone.
37 minutes
Welcome to the city of Fairhaven. It is situated in a literal Bubble of corporate utopia, set amid the wild, goblin-infested Brush. This is the first scripted comedy series from Maximum Fun. Bubble was created by Jordan Morris, and it tells the tale of a small band of monster killers who are struggling to make ends meet. They may even find love in a nightmarish version of the gig economy.
There ya have it, folks! We hope you take a listen and have a laugh (or two). Let us know what you think of this list. If you’ve got a podcast episode to add to the mix, get in touch with us via Twitter. We can be found here.
Shoutout to the podcasts and companies that sponsored the original publishing of this newsletter, Long Shots and How to Talk to Mami and Papi about Anything.