How to Survive The Apocalypse (With Podcasts)
2020 apocalypse
Why? Because we’re definitely in one…
This is a guest blog post written for EarBuds Podcast Collective by the hosts of Vote! The Podcast and they have a message for readers: “Vote! The Podcast is the podcast for voting preppers. We’re here to help you prepare to get yourself, your family, and your friends to the polls in November.”
2020, y’all. It’s currently the apocalypse. We all know this is true. It may be the most boring apocalypse ever, with no zombies or giant volcanoes and supposed murder hornets that have yet to make an appearance, but it’s definitely the end of the world. And democracy. Or it could be. It’s up to us. If we’ve learned anything in the time of COVID and protests and general chaos, it’s that elected officials matter. And they matter at all levels. They are often literally the difference between life and death for some folks. And right now, you (yes, you) have a choice to help elect officials who care about the issues that you care about, who care about the people you care about, and who will represent you the way you want to be represented.
Or you can always choose to stay home, not vote, and let someone else make that choice for you. (Nah!)
This is also a critical time for us to think about who we are and where we fit in society. Do we care about others or just ourselves? Are we part of a global community? What are our responsibilities in the world? And how long can we stay trapped in our houses???? The world is changing fast, and right now, we are examining who we are, as individuals and a society, and who we want to be. It’s thrilling and terrifying, and boy, could we use some advice.
We chose these podcast episodes below because they’ve been essential to us as we navigate this crazy, stressful, inspirational, ridiculous time. From an episode about voting (shameless self-promotion — that’s our show!) to a story that will sound all too familiar and a beautiful, important aria, we find a home, inspiration, and instruction in all of these episodes. And we hope you do, too.
Note from EarBuds Podcast Collective: Each week we send an email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. We’ve been sending out these email newsletters since February of 2017 and have recommended hundreds and hundreds of podcasts. You can find out archives here and sign up for the newsletter here. Our list of curators is SUPER long and because of that, sometimes we invite curators to write guest blog posts for us. The Vote! The Podcast team were kind enough to put this list together and we love it! Enjoy listening and as always, feel free to get in touch with us!
2020 apocalypse. Just add podcasts!
Without further ado… How can podcasts help us survive this apocalypse?
By voting in November -
Vote! The Podcast, episode 2
In this podcast:
“We’re giving you the full rundown on voting by mail this Election Day so you can show up for the country from your couch — which is frankly, kind of amazing. Tune in and become an expert on all of the tricky little aspects of registering to vote by mail. Featuring actor and political activist Bradley Whitford and Call Your Girlfriend podcast besties (and authors of Big Friendship), Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow.”
By heeding the warning signs -
LeVar Burton Reads, episode 69 - Let Those Who Would
In this podcast:
“The best short fiction, handpicked by the best voice in podcasting. In every episode, host LeVar Burton (Roots, Reading Rainbow, Star Trek) invites you to take a break from your daily life, and dive into a great story. LeVar’s narration blends with gorgeous soundscapes to bring stories by Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Octavia Butler, Ray Bradbury and more to life. So, if you’re ready, let’s take a deep breath...”
By letting art feed you -
Aria Code, episode 7- Porgy & Bess
Aria Code Podcast
In this podcast:
“The most famous American opera opens with one of the most famous American songs: “Summertime.” The Gershwins’ haunting lullaby from Porgy and Bess is a simple tune with a complex story.
In this episode, host Rhiannon Giddens and her guests explore not just the lyrics and music, but how Porgy and Bess came into being and the way it draws on the culture of the Gullah Geechee, descendants of formerly enslaved people living in and around South Carolina. Decoding two arias – “Summertime” and “I Got Plenty O’ Nuttin’” – the show finds uncomfortable contradictions as well as uncanny parallels between the real lives of the Gullah people and the characters onstage. ”
By learning from the kids -
Reply All, episode 163- Candidate One
In this podcast:
“The story of an election in America where everything went wrong — bribery, hacking, ballot-stuffing. And the 17 year old kid who tried to save the day.”
By laughing -
Dead Author’s Podcast, Chapter 3- Dorothy Parker
In this podcast:
“Chapter 3: H.G. Wells (Paul F. Tompkins) welcomes Algonquin Round Tabler Dorothy Parker (Jen Kirkman) to the Dead Authors stage. The liquor does flow and the mots are bon! Mrs. Parker’s employment of the occasional spicy phrase earns this Chapter its red-letter rating. Do not listen with your maiden aunt unless a fainting couch stands nearby!”
Why do we listen to podcasts?
We’re huge podcast fans, and we’re so excited to finally have our own. We love the podcasts we chose for several reasons. I mean, first of all, LEVAR BURTON. No more explanation is needed, but we’ll also say that the stories he reads on his podcast are incredible and will seriously make you think.
Aria Code is an absolutely beautiful podcast. If you’re an opera fan, tune in, and you won’t regret it. If you’re not yet an opera fan, tune in and you’ll learn about opera and learn why it’s amazing, and you won’t regret it.
Reply All keeps us up to date on all the things happening on the interwebs. If you never understand the latest memes, this will help.
Dead Author’s Podcast is a hilarious improv show that brings your favorite dead author to life. It’s a nerd’s paradise, but if you like books, words, or time travel, this is the podcast for you.
We are so grateful to have this opportunity to share some of our favorite pods with you. We hope you get the same joy, inspiration, and education from them that we do.
Another reminder before we close out this blog post to make a voting plan! Listening to the above podcasts will help get you motivated but only you can make sure to get your butt to the polling place or to register to receive your mail in ballot. If you’re looking for more information, offers amazing resources.
aPODcalypse 2020