Welcome to the EarBuds Podcast Collective Blog
EarBuds Podcast Collective is a Listening Movement
We send a weekly email with a theme and 5 pod episodes on that theme. Each week is curated by a different person. Since we started in February of 2017, we've had FORTY unique curators and FORTY-SIX unique email themes. We've learned so much from these podcast episodes and we so appreciate the hard work that podcast hosts and producers put in to create this content.
Since we started sending out our email on February 13th, 2017, we've grown and grown. We send out our emails every Sunday night and then post the episodes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We also are syndicated on DiscoverPods and then we re-post on Medium.
Starting now, we will produce our own commentary on the EBC Blog. In addition to pod tidbits on the episodes that are chosen by our curators, we'll blog some extra content for y'all. Stay tuned! Thanks for joining the Collective!
With love and listening,
Arielle Nissenblatt, founder and lead curator of EarBuds Podcast Collective