What Really Is The Outlier Podcast Festival?

Beat the LA traffic and come to Outlier Pod Fest.

Beat the LA traffic and come to Outlier Pod Fest.

If you’re already deeply entrenched in the podcast world, you know that meetups and podcast festivals are on the rise. There’s Podcast Movement, PodFest, PodCon, Third Coast Festival, DC Podcast Festival, On Air Festival, and so many more. And within large U.S. cities, there are tons of groups that gather to chat podcasts, participate in listening groups, and to just connect in general. This is such good news for the podcast world. I’m a huge fan of these informal get-togethers and these more formal festivals and conferences. Let’s continue to have more of them!

If you’re not already deeply entrenched in the podcast world but WANT to be...you’re definitely going to want to be at Outlier Podcast Festival in Los Angeles on September 29 and 30th at Village Workspaces. Outlier HQ Media is a small and innovative company based in beautiful southern Utah. They’ve been running a podcast that features interviews between their founder, Ever Gonzalez, and outliers in the media world since 2013. And they’re now doing the same thing but in podcast festival form. What does that mean?

Good question.

This is the OPF venue (Village Workspaces)!

This is the OPF venue (Village Workspaces)!

Outlier Podcast Festival is a traveling multi-media, multi-talent, multi-learning mode experience. The first festival took place in St. George, Utah in May 2018 and attracted 150 podcasters, newbies, teachers, learners, listeners, and more. Ever, the founder of the festival and of the media company is taking the festival across the country now. The next festival will take place in Los Angeles. In spring 2019, it’ll be in Austin, TX, and in fall 2019, we’re headed to New York City. Outlier Pod Fest intends to find outliers in the world of podcasting: people who are trying new things, people who are bending the molds of what is already popular. We’re still in the early stages of podcasting and I’m of the mind that we can build it how we want it. So let’s do it.

The podcast studio at Village Workspaces

The podcast studio at Village Workspaces

This festival is made for the experienced podcaster who wants to hear from advertisers. This festival is made for the “I want to try to make a podcast for my business” person, who has no clue what they’re doing. This festival is made for the casual listener who wants to see the work that goes into making their favorite podcast. There’ll be workshops, live podcast recordings, sound booths where people can test out mics and headphones, listening tanks (what's that...good question), and so much more. The best part about this whole shindig is the willingness and openness of “the outlier concept.”

When you identify as an outlier, and when you elect to come to the Outlier Podcast Festival, you’re making the conscious choice to break from the norm. We’re going to be trying new, unique, and radical things at Outlier Podcast Festival | Los Angeles. We’re very open to ideas from YOU. And we really want you to think outside the box. Like I mentioned up top, there are tons of podcast festivals - more and more each year - and more people are learning what podcasts are as a result. This festival is for the outliers. Let’s create something new in the podcast world, together.

Join us!


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