EarBuds Weekly Theme: Mothers on a Quest

This week, we're checking out 5 podcast episodes on the theme of *Mothers on a Quest,* curated by the super-mother-podcaster, Julie Neale. Neale hosts and produces the Mother's Quest podcast, wherein she inspires, coaches, and creates a community of mothers who strive to live E.P.I.C lives. 

E - Engage

P - Passionate

I - Invest

C - Connect

Neale curated four of the five episodes for this week's theme based on each of the letters of E.P.I.C. The last episode, Friday's, comes straight from the house, Mother's Quest. Listen along with us this week!

Monday's episode: TiLT Parenting - Asher Talks About Developing a Growth Mindset - 26 minutes

"E" - "Engage" Mindfully with Our Children by following the example of TiLT Parenting Podcast host Debbie Reber, who discusses the power of a "Growth Mindset" in this conversation with her then 12 year-old-son, Asher.


Tuesday's episode: Being Boss - You Don't Need More Confidence - 61 minutes

"P" - "Passionate" and "Purposeful" Work - Get fresh insight on pursuing your passion and purpose, and tools for tackling fear with Playing Big author Tara Mohr. 


Wednesday's episode: Moms with Dreams - Set Yourself Up for Success in 2018: Look at the Big Picture (part 1) - 20 minutes

"I" - "Invest" in Yourself and your dreams for 2018 by following this reflection and visioning series with Ericka Blocker of the Moms with Dreams Podcast.


Thursday's episode: Super Mamas - People's Yoga Founders Leah and Lauren49 minutes

"C" - "Connect" to a Strong Support Network through the inspiration of the People's Yoga co-founders who bring the power of yoga into their motherhood journey and to building community in their East L.A. neighborhoods.


Friday's episode: Mother's Quest E.P.I.C. Guidepost from Season One of the Mother's Quest Podcast - 42 minutes

Mothers Quest.JPG

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